B is currently 29 months old.
(Note: This post is the second in a series on adapting games
to play with a toddler. Find the first post here.)
Before I get started on the main point of this post, I wanted to throw the idea out there for a weekly link-up on games. I would love to see reviews of games, ideas for using commercial board/card/dice/etc. games in learning, adaptations of games, homemade games . . . you get the picture. What do you think? Does a link-up on this topic already exist? If not, would you be, well, um . . . game?
One game B chose to play with me this week was The Farming Game Kids. All of my kids (okay, except for Baby P!) have had fun with this one, which already comes with instructions for three different levels of play. The beginning level (Level 1) is geared toward ages 3+, but I found that B was interested in playing this way for at least a little while.
Basically, you roll a die (that only goes up to 3), move the appropriate number of spaces, and collect a card that matches the space you land on. If you find yourself on a school bus or playground, you don't get a card. (Driving home the message, as my mother used to put it, "No workee, no eatee!") The object of the game at this level is to collect the highest number of produce cards.
B was interested in playing this way for about five turns each, then he was done. Even for this short time, though, it was good practice for him in several areas, including:
- basic skills of board game play, such as turn-taking and rolling dice to determine moves
- number recognition for numerals 1-3
- counting (both spaces to move and cards)
- one-to-one correspondence (moving the same number of spaces as the number rolled)
- matching (spaces to cards and cards to each other)
Some other ways I thought of to use this game equipment with B:
- sort cards into stacks
- use the cards to make patterns (e.g. apples, watermelon, apples, watermelon, etc.)
- pick a card and move to the next matching space
- roll the die and take that number of cards
I'm sure there are tons more things to do with this game. I'd love to hear your ideas!
(For a look at what others are doing with their tots this week, be sure to check out Carisa's blog.)