We recently wrapped up our "World Investigations" unit on Ancient Mesopotamia. It took a lot longer to get to everything than I had planned (mostly due to the holidays and prolonged illness), but we had so much fun with it!
I used the History Odyssey study guide from Pandia Press (Level 1: The Ancients) as a starting point, adapting and adding in things to fit our style. These materials are built to be "agile"--a fabulous find for us!
In addition to reading, writing, and map work, we did several engaging projects to learn a little about the culture of the Mesopotamians. Here's a glimpse of the fun we had:
Making royal Mesopotamian costumes

Making "Sebetu Rolls", based on a 3700-year-old recipe!
Writing our names in clay using cuneiform symbols
We also read the first part of a kids' trilogy based on The Epic of Gilgamesh, ate lunch like Mesopotamian royalty while wearing our costumes, built multiple ziggurats out of Duplo blocks, and played an iPad version of "The Royal Game of Ur".
I honestly didn't realize just how much fun we would have with this unit! Now on to Ancient Egypt . . . .