Friday, March 9, 2012

Yards and Yards and Yards

After yesterday's co-op class, my 8-year-old K declared that she had found a new calling in life: creating yards and yards and yards of finger-crocheted chain. Let me tell you, she is fast! I went in the office for a few minutes to write that last blog post, and when I emerged, I found this:

  And when I ventured out to the dining room, I found this:

So, do you think we've got a future yarn bomber on our hands?

It might have had something to do with the fact that we read this delightful book (which I highly recommend, especially if you have any special love for yarn):

And, speaking of yarn bombing, have you seen this amazing work of fiber artistry? I am in utter awe!


Kacie said...

I used to do this when I was little! I could always crochet much faster using this method than with a crochet needle. :) I love the idea of wrapping it around the chairs like that! My sister and I would have competitions to see who could make the longest one!

Tarasine (pronounced Tara-seena, in case you were wondering) said...

That's such a fun memory, Kacie! Thanks for sharing!

Camie said...

I'm going to look into that book for my son. He loves yarn. Thanks for the idea. :)