Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tot School: Spring is Here!

Tot School
B is currently 30 months old.

The highlight of this past week was making Spring Cookie Cottages together as a family. (See this post for more details and photos of this fun activity!)

We were blessed with a couple of days with really nice weather this past week, so we couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend lots of Tot School time outside working on large motor skills.

B is getting quite confident on his tricycle these days, and has wanted to spend lots of time practicing.

We've also enjoyed batting practice,


kicking a ball,


and bouncing.

B is definitely happy that Spring is here!


Lisa @ Our Country Road said...

You got some great shots of your little man! Looks like fun :)

Susan-Chasing Marcus said...

The cookie cottages look like so much fun. I just love being outside...and my little one does too!

April Mitchell said...

He is so cute! I love that little vest.

Becky said...

He looks so happy! I was just on your family blog and I love reading the things your kids say. They are so funny. I also just looked through your posts here and was impressed to see you guys are doing the C25K. That's awesome! Brandon's sister, Jenn, did that last year, and never having run a 5K, it was a big accomplishment for her. So good luck!